Welcome! This site is developed to put forth my thoughts, ideas as well as knowledge and information sharing, advise (if any) or even any other consultative matters and counseling. Do drop me a line and I will revert back and do leave your comments in order for me to also improve this site for the benefit of all.
Some of the content in this blog are not mine. The information, content (writings, pictures, graphics, videos, musics, etc) and sources (books, links, etc) that I published today may not be valid or accurate in two weeks from the day it was published. I am not responsible if downloadables from this blog damages or harms your computer. I am responsible person; and I do not represent anyone or any agencies and or represent any faction or seem to represent. My writings in this blog are solely based on sharing my experiences and my personal views. I shall not be held liable to anyone that says in my blog through their content, implication and intent. Other than that, my intention in hosting this blog is not to do any harm, injure, defame or libel others. What I write on my blog is not to be taken as fact nor absolute. If you use my advice, tips, techniques, and recommendations, and are injured or suffer any loss I should not be held responsible. It is a thought process and may or may not be applicable to you.
Ehek hek hek....ucuk ketiak...